Asset protection, wealth transfer and estate settlement solutions

A Will and estate plan can be more than a set of directions for executors and loved ones; proactive estate planning can provide the peace of mind knowing that your wishes will be carried out and your loved ones taken care of.

Our estate planning solutions could be ideal if you need help:

  • Investing your assets while guaranteeing a payout for your beneficiaries
  • Maximizing the wealth you pass on to your loved one through tax-minimization strategies
  • Replacing your income in the event of a disability, critical illness or long-term care situation
  • Transferring your wealth to your beneficiaries tax efficiently
  • Providing liquidity to help meet the tax obligations and costs associated with settling your estate
  • Determining the most effective way to give to the charitable causes you support
  • Managing executor or Power of Attorney duties

To learn more about protecting and transferring wealth, please contact us.

Preparing the next generation

It's important to Dale and Darice that their two boys build their financial knowledge and confidence to the point where they can make informed decisions. Find out how financial education and mentors have helped this family become better stewards of wealth.

Securing your children's future with an estate plan

A recent diagnosis jolted Denise and Kevin into thinking about the support their daughter, with disabilities, would need once they're gone. Find out how this family got their "house in order," giving them relief and confidence that their daughter will be supported.